Thanksgiving Thoughts – Gratitude and Appreciation

Thanksgiving in the United States is the traditional time for focusing on all that is good in our lives and for which we are grateful. Let’s reflect back a moment on the history, and try to imagine what it would have been like as a Pilgrim. This brave group left England to escape religious persecution […]

Living in the Now – Being Present Can Empower You

Ask yourself this question: am I consciously able to really be here and be present? Can I live, breathe and touch this particular moment in time? Do I seek to inhale the exquisiteness of this moment — and truly find joy and peace in this gentle segment of time?

If you answered a truthful yes, […]

Achieving Life Balance – Adopt A Stress Reduction Mindset

Could we speak less about stress and more about balance? Why do we almost eagerly embrace the concept of stress? Many people confide in me and just about everyone is stressed out.

Of course there are a million reasons for it. Globally, you can blame the economy, misuse of the environment, the government, etc. You […]

Tolerance, Understanding and Tact – Respecting Others’ Choices in Real Life and on Social Media

Kindness and compassion toward others are always admirable traits and the foundation of that age-old Golden Rule of treating others as you would like to be treated. I suspect most people would be quick to say: “sure, I’m tolerant and open-minded about others.” Who would knowingly want to be perceived otherwise?

Of course, tolerance toward […]

Adaptability – Being Flexible With Life Challenges

“The art of life is a constant readjustment to our surroundings.” Okakura Kakuzo

Flexibility, “rolling with the punches”, and “go with the flow” are all terms we have heard often enough. But what meaning do they truly have for each of us? Are you a person who can easily meet challenges within your own environment? […]

Healthier Eating – Foods to Reduce or Eliminate From Your Diet

So you’re saying positive affirmations, focusing on happy head talk, reading self-improvement books – what are you forgetting? Are you eating healthy, or did that one lifestyle segment fall between the cracks?

Our bodies were meant to be lean, smoothly-running biological machines. So what happened to us? Just take one look around and you’ll see […]

Limiting Beliefs – Let Go and Create New Empowering Thoughts

What beliefs are holding you down? Do you feel you are not smart enough, tall enough, thin enough, agile enough, motivated enough — or all of the above? Some people (perhaps most) never feel they are worthy of success, abundance, prosperity, harmonious relationships, love, etc. At times we feel like we will never get anywhere […]

Positive Thinking – Release Ingrained Negative Thought Patterns

We all get caught up in negative thought patterns at times, but how do you feel when are so immersed in that loop of thinking? Your whole being can feel out of balance, and sometimes downright stressed, fatigued, depressed and resentful. It is painful to be that way all the time or even most of […]

Positive Affirmations – Feel-Good Statements For Personal Transformation

Reciting an affirmation or two every day is helpful — but is that really enough to bring about the manifestation and accomplishment you are seeking? Affirmations — those glorious, feel-good statements — are an amazing way to set the personal transformation process in motion. However, they are only the beginning step.

I often write about […]

Positive Thinking – Reach For A Good-Feeling Thought First Thing in the Morning

“I had such a bad night,” “This day is going to be horrible” – Do you catch yourself making these statements first thing in the morning? Come on, admit it — you do at least once in awhile!

We all do — I am guilty too. Last night, between an unexpected, pelting rain, the vacationing […]