Positive Thinking – Reach For A Good-Feeling Thought First Thing in the Morning

“I had such a bad night,” “This day is going to be horrible” – Do you catch yourself making these statements first thing in the morning? Come on, admit it — you do at least once in awhile!

We all do — I am guilty too. Last night, between an unexpected, pelting rain, the vacationing neighbors’ alarm going off several times, the police coming and going checking on it, and phoning us because we had called in about the noise — I didn’t get much sleep. All this commotion took place after midnight, and when I awoke to begin an extremely busy day, I was not exactly in the most joyful frame of mind.

I felt the old negative patterns swirling in my head and the first thought that popped into my head was not a very positive one! But before I let myself get wrapped in it and into that negative energy, I decided to quickly focus on something pleasant. For me at that moment, it was breakfast – a fresh, ripe papaya — which is one of my favorite breakfast fruits. Anticipating the sweet, delicious taste was enough to just pull me out of negativity mode.

Now you might be dubiously thinking to yourself, “A papaya just won’t do it for me!” So for yourself look for something in your own immediate environment — something simple that can promptly capture your attention and just inspire even a little sliver of joy. A comfortable pillow or a cozy blanket as you first come to awareness in the morning is a sweet sensation that can become an immediate good-feeling thought. The morning sun streaming through the window, a hug from a family member, or a nice warm soothing shower are just some ideas of simple pleasures.

Another perspective is to actively anticipate joy in your day. Think of at least one thing that you can look forward to that particular day. Choose a positive bright spot — lunch with a friend, an enjoyable project or task, or something that is downright fun. Even if the only thing that pleases you is just visualizing the 5:00 moment when you leave your corporate job, get in your car, or on the train and EXIT the work environment. Think of that pleasant emotion of being on the way home to your family, spouse, pet — or just the quietude of your own place and surroundings. The point is to focus in on something that inspires happiness within you even on a small scale. Let that feeling fill you, and warm your senses.

I truly find that this little inner exercise of positive early-morning awareness impacts your day in a powerful way. So if I can encourage you with one benefit: it is to reach for that positive morning thought. Make your first feeling a good one and that will set the better tone for the remainder of the day. So do it — tomorrow — let that initial thought be an uplifting one!

Affirmations to bring on those early morning joyful thoughts:

  • I awake each morning refreshed and ready to have a joyful, inspired day.
  • I welcome the new day with positive thoughts and optimistic feelings.
  • I focus on every new day with upbeat, curious and childlike anticipation.

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