Positive Affirmations – Feel-Good Statements For Personal Transformation

Reciting an affirmation or two every day is helpful — but is that really enough to bring about the manifestation and accomplishment you are seeking? Affirmations — those glorious, feel-good statements — are an amazing way to set the personal transformation process in motion. However, they are only the beginning step.

I often write about affirmations and the potential of change and possibility that they hold. They have made a significant beneficial difference in my own life. Positive affirmations are statements — the joyful-energy-filled and happy-sounding kind — that I consider to be “transformational tools.” They help guide one in a better-feeling direction. Saying a few affirmations each day is a great start, but here are five points to keep in mind for a stronger push toward a real shift in the way you think and feel:

1) Develop a consistent daily personal affirmation practice. Choose an affirmation (or two or three) that really resonate with you or your path in life. Write them down or print them out and be sure to say them at least twice a day, morning and evening. Carry them with you and read them during the day! Say them as you face yourself in the mirror for even greater empowerment. Stick to the same affirmations for a period of time that feels right for you — whether it be a week, a month — or even a year!

2) Get into the energy behind your affirmations. Recite these statements in an upbeat, happy way. Notice the inflection of your voice — make it sound joyful, even if you have to fake it! After faking it for a bit, you will actually start to feel authentic about it. Once you get into the “mode of positivity,” your affirmations will develop a real tone of power.

3) Write some of your own affirmations. Affirmations written BY you FOR you are very powerful! Start your statements with “I am” “I feel” “I welcome” or “I am open to…” Then add a few positive aspects that relate directly to you. Example: I welcome prosperity and joy into my life! I am open to new friends and exciting new opportunities. Or use this phrase “It is easy for me to…” It is easy for me to attract abundance into my everyday experience. It is easy for me to take good care of my body and my mind.

Write something that you are inspired to write. Just make a decision that you will think up  great affirmations that reflect your goals — this will help the statements flow more easily. Once you have written them, integrate these into your Affirmation Practice.

4) Be open to “affirmation thinking.” Using feel-good statements will help lead to positive head talk. Positive head talk (sometimes called self-talk) is a way of thinking that we all aspire to. It certainly is far better than the opposite — negative head talk — which is what many people exhibit much of the time. When you consistently use affirmation thinking, your entire outlook will improve.

5) WELCOME a shift in your energy. This is essential. Your own personal energetic balance needs to shift toward the positive — embracing abundance, joy, prosperity, goal manifestation — all that great stuff! Begin the inner work of this conscious energy change — or at least be open to the process of it. Sometimes it actually happens rather quickly once you set your intention. Be confident — and it WILL happen!

Affirmations about affirmations!

  • I love writing statements that help me feel empowered!
  • As I develop and utilize my own affirmations, positive aspects flow easily into my life.
  • I use feel-good statements to help shift my energy toward an optimistic, joyful reality.

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