Limiting Beliefs – Let Go and Create New Empowering Thoughts

What beliefs are holding you down? Do you feel you are not smart enough, tall enough, thin enough, agile enough, motivated enough — or all of the above? Some people (perhaps most) never feel they are worthy of success, abundance, prosperity, harmonious relationships, love, etc. At times we feel like we will never get anywhere in life.

Sometimes we are sharply aware of our beliefs, but feel powerless to address them. But many of the times these beliefs are hidden, smoldering beneath the surface of our emotions. We may not even recognize that they are affecting and shaping our lives — in a consistently negative way.

Your belief system actually governs your thoughts and actions, and if, in your heart, you really feel “I am not worthy of money/abundance/love” then that will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and you will not have whatever you feel you are not worthy of having.

If you find that there is one segment of your life that is extremely challenging or frustrating — such as you are having ongoing relationship issues — that may indicate that your current belief system is getting in the way and not working for you. If you think that you are just not worthy of finding a long-term relationship partner (maybe you feel that you are not good-lucking enough, outgoing enough, etc.) then your subconscious will tend to sabotage any potential relationships. Or you might feel too lacking to even try to enter into a relationship.

Let’s think about what beliefs are. The dictionary definition, a “firmly held opinion or conviction” suggests the powerfulness of one’s beliefs, but being powerful does not mean they are TRUE. Though seemingly very long-held at times, they are just part of your own particular reality. And if you believe in something enough, it becomes true for you. The good news is — you CAN change your belief system.

The first step is, of course, to identity such beliefs. You need to be honest with yourself, and do some soul-searching. Then write down, or journal some of your thoughts surrounding this limiting belief. For instance, you may focus on “I never can seem to get into a healthy, communicative long-term relationship.” Write down why you think that is, what self-sabotaging statements you say to yourself, and be honest! You might figure out that you hold the belief that “I have always been too shy and introverted to share my feelings.”

The next step is to develop a positive version of this, and write it in affirmation form. You might say: “I like to share my thoughts, emotions and plans.” or “Every day I am consciously working to improve my communication skills.” Be creative in a joyfully positive way, and write numerous statements that reflect the desired new belief system. Say these statements to yourself regularly.

Then VISUALIZE yourself being the more open, communicative person. SEE yourself having an intimate or heartfelt conversation with a partner. Don’t be hesitant to use a vivid imagination and picture the desired outcome. The key is to make it feel real, to replace your limiting belief system with a more empowering, positive belief system. It won’t happen overnight — but if you do the inner work of it, you are sure to see steady progress!

Affirmations to help release limiting beliefs:

  • It is easy for me to release old belief systems that no longer serve me.
  • From within my inner consciousness, I choose new uplifting thoughts to reflect the optimistic and balanced “me.”
  • I joyfully visualize myself in the light of my empowered “future self.”

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