Reiki Healing – Practitioner and Client Discussion Prior to a Session

Have you ever faced this scenario: you have a new client who is quite talkative and the pre-treatment discussion seems to go on and on to the point where it seems like you will never get the client onto your Reiki table and into a state of deep relaxation…

Is there such a thing as too much talk? Each client brings their own set of life experiences as well as their own set of expectations into the healing space. Some people are more informed about the Reiki modality than others. Some have done thorough research and reading, usually on the internet. Others have been recommended to have a session (usually by a friend or family member) so they obligingly sought you out. But they don’t quite know what Reiki is. They just know that they would like to try it!

Either type of client may have a long list of questions that they would like answered before they feel comfortable getting onto the table.

As a Practitioner, you need to willingly and intelligently respond to their questions — sometimes this can be challenging.

I have found that in my own practice, I have numerous clients who are seeking more of an emotional healing. Sometimes that can be more complex than someone who has, for instance, a “bad” back that they would like healed or improved.

I do let all clients know that Reiki can address any issue on any level — physical, emotional, mental or sometimes even spiritual. But clients who are seeking healing on the emotional level may be extremely stressed, and very out of balance, possibly requiring more conversation in the sense that some may want to explain their emotional situation in vivid detail. (Note: since Reiki is a complimentary and alternative modality, it can be used in conjunction with other traditional therapies, one of which could be either a psychologist or social worker.)

Sometimes an aspect of pre-treatment discussion is purely a Question and Answer period about the Reiki healing system itself. You may be asked questions such as “Can you explain a bit more about energy healing?” or “How many sessions are generally recommended?” etc.

I do prefer a client be ready and confident to lay down on the Reiki table, and be open to receive relaxation and healing benefits. Most of the time that means  having a detailed and full discussion about the forthcoming session.

However, when discussions veer off on tangents and non-related matters, you as a Practitioner must bring the focus back to the moment at hand. Also, you may have to keep a “peripheral eye” on the clock to ensure you are leaving enough time for the actual treatment session. (That is the prime reason I have actually lengthened all my first sessions.)

At some point you may have to gently end the conversation and let the client know it is now time for them to position themselves on the Reiki table.

Do remember or take into consideration leaving some time after the session for the client to share any experiences that they wish to share. It is likely that someone who is quite talkative prior to the session may be just as talkative AFTER the session, so plan accordingly. Hopefully, your client will be so deeply relaxed, peaceful and luxuriating in the place of healing that they may wish to share, but not in a lengthy or prolonged way.

Try to manage your session time well and professionally. Strive for that balance of allowing enough time to support your client with discussion, as well as ensuring that their experience receiving Reiki energy is peaceful and long enough for true relaxation. I do believe it is in that serene space of relaxation that the healing environment is created with the client’s body and energetic field, and the healing process really begins to unfold in a powerful way…

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