Managing Everyday Stress – Key To Improved Well-Being

“If you ask what is the single most important key to longevity, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” – George Burns, Comedian (who lived to be 100)

Stress – doesn’t the very word give you the jitters and bring up instantaneous negative feelings? The thought and vibration of stress can set your mind and heart racing, cause you to sweat, and bring up feelings of panic, tension and nervousness.

Stress is a word that has been hyped up as a catchall phrase for anything that we believe stimulates physical, mental or emotional strain or tension within us. I have been writing a series of stress reduction articles and have been doing much reading and research on this topic — wow, is there a volume of information about stress and its effects!

From a scientific viewpoint, an article on the Mayo Clinic’s website states that feeling “stressed out” for a long period of time can affect the body’s overall healthy balance and eventually result in some serious physical conditions such as heart disease, sleep problems, digestive issues, depression, obesity, memory impairment and skin conditions.

Stress disrupts the normal processes of the body and causes our entire system to feel out of balance. That is why it is essential to remain as stress-free as possible, and find ways to reduce or eliminate stress in your own life. There are so many different actions you can take (including relaxation techniques, self-healing practices, meditation, physical exercise, and many more.)

However, one important factor to consider is your overall attitude toward stress. I consider stress more of an “inside job” rather than an external set of circumstances. Of course, inconvenient and unpleasant things do happen in our lives, but it is our perceptions and reactions to these events that determine how we feel. So we have to know that we can CHOOSE to not let external events get the better of us.

We can choose to look inward, strengthen our reserves, remain in a space and place of balance, and refuse to be “stressed out.” It takes inner work, but it IS possible. And if you do begin to focus in this way, your overall well-being will be better for it and you will certainly feel calmer and more peaceful, and perhaps even add years to your life!

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