Relaxation Breathing Techniques of Reiki – Similar to Biofeedback?

Several years ago, I gave a special presentation about Reiki to a group of women who wanted to learn more about this system. One of the attendees was a Biofeedback therapist. However, I was not aware of that until later. At the end of my talk, I offered free Reiki mini-sessions to those that were interested. I had a small quiet area set up for this purpose.

After giving these brief sessions, the Biofeedback therapist identified herself and her work. She said she had greatly enjoyed the Reik treatment and then invited me to her office as a bit of an experiment. I think she was curious to see if my Reiki background and related breathing techniques would be similar to what she was teaching her Biofeedback clients. The techniques she teaches her clients help them relax deeply to aid in stress and anxiety reduction.

I have to admit I was a bit nervous about the experiment. Could I relax and get into the meditative “breathing zone” on cue? At her office, she connected me to all sorts of wires and equipment. The therapist then asked me to do a variety of breathing tests and techniques. Amazingly, I was able to quiet my mind (even in the coldly scientific setting) and promptly picked up on all that I was asked to do. The breathing techniques that took her clients weeks and months to learn using the Biodfeedback method was something that I had already mastered through my Reiki practice!

Those who have high levels of stress and anxiety do very shallow “chest” breathing. This disrupts the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide necessary to be in a more relaxed state. Continued chest breathing leads to continued anxiety.

Biofeedback teaches Diaphragmatic Breathing (stomach breathing). Using this method, when we breathe in, we push the diapraghm muscle down and our stomach moves forward. When we exhale, the muscle moves back to the resting position and our stomach contracts back in. There is very little chest movement, if any at all.

As part of the Japanese Reiki techniques and teachings. I have learned what is called “Hara” breathing. The hara is the area that is about 2-3 finger widths below the belly button. We inhale a breath that goes all the way down to the hara area, expanding the stomach, much the same as Diaphragmatic Breathing. Then we exhale slowly, allowing the stomach to move back to resting position. Try this relaxation breathing technique — you can do it either laying down or sitting. Breathe in for a count of three and exhale for a count of six. Focus on your breathing and just RELAX.

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