Appreciation Practice – Reflect on the Positive Aspects of Your Day

All the motivational experts encourage us to incorporate a gratitude practice into our lives. This helps bring us into a positive state of awareness and receiving. As we appreciate and focus on the good in our lives, the exhilarating positive vibrations that we give off serve to draw more of the same to us! The understanding and use of this concept can greatly enhance our feelings of well-being.

I believe that one of the most powerful ways to focus on appreciation is at the end of our day. When we are winding down from all the activity of the day and our mind starts to quiet, then we can effectively tune in to our inner thoughts and body rhythms. We can then clearly reflect on what we are grateful for from that day.

Here are a few suggestions for some end-of-day thankfulness:

1) Affirmations Write a few positive gratitude statements about those events/people that inspired appreciation within you that particular day. These can be very specific, about particular people, circumstances of positive events. Or they can be general, just picking up on the upbeat emotions of the day. Of course, you can even repeat them in the morning to remind you of the good-feeling state of mind from the night before.

2) Journaling – Take a few minutes to write in a “gratitude journal” or notebook. Or just write a “gratitude note.” You don’t need to write an entire volume — just a few clear sentences about those especially fulfilling moments in your day that caught the gratitude feeling in your heart!

3) Gratitude in the Mirror – Jack Canfield, in his book “The Success Principles,” suggests a very empowering, but unique gratitude practice. Look at yourself in the mirror and say your name and “I appreciate you” and then say a series of statements reflecting on your day and your accomplishments, both small and large.

I use this method and feel quite positive and joyful afterward. I try to do this late at night, right before bed, so this helps get my subconscious mind into a calm and uplifted place. For example, I might say “Sheryl, I appreciate all you’ve done today. You wrote two blog posts. You made several new business contacts. You worked on building your Reiki practice. You set two new goals. Even though you really didn’t feel like it, you did a full weight-training workout at the gym and you felt great afterward. You cooked a tasty and nutritious meal.”

Then — and this is essential — express love for yourself! This may feel and seem odd at first, but if you can get into this, it is a very effective self-empowerment tool.

4) Gratitude Moments at Bedtime – If mirror work does not quite resonate with you, then try a few “gratitude” moments right before bed, or even in bed, before you drift off to sleep. Take these calm moments to reflect on your day. Choose those times, activities and accomplishments that were meaningful to you. Appreciate the goodness of your day.

Even if you feel it was a difficult day overall, FIND those bright spots and center in on those. If you had a tough day on the job, but you finished a project, or moved along on one, or helped someone out at work, celebrate that. Any special family or friend moments are those to fondly recall at the end of the day.

Appreciate yourself too. Thank yourself for just being you and for doing the best that you can with the knowledge and life understanding that you have. Then, let yourself be lulled to sleep in this positive state of mind.

Affirmation, Action, Attitude

  • For me, each day is filled with many positive and beautiful aspects.
  • I happily reflect on all the uplifting people, events and adventures of today – and I am grateful.
  • I joyfully anticipate new and positive experiences for tomorrow.

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