Inner Guidance – Follow Your Intuition

I firmly believe we are all born with strong, competent inner guidance systems. As babies, we use those systems so well. We cry when we are hungry, thirsty or uncomfortable and for the most part, our needs are met rather quickly. We laugh, smile and show our pleasure readily. We know exactly what we want in any given moment and how to get it.

It is only as we grow and learn the so-called ways of the world from our parents, our teachers and society, that our innate guidance system usually falls to the wayside, buried deep within us and rarely called upon. However, it is still there, much like a dormant GPS system, ready to be plugged in to the energy source to accurately direct us on our impending journey.

If only we would recognize it, call upon it and trust it! Many of us learn later in life (or should I say “re-learn”) how to access its power.

We all have that familiar little voice in our heads that will direct us, if we only pay heed. It’s good to quiet your thoughts in order to better hear this direction, and let your heart be open to its guidance and advice. Just being open like this helps activate and recognize the powerful “technology” within us. How many times do we have a feeling of dread or discord within us, warning us not to do something, and yet we do it anyway and discover it was not really a good course of action, and we should have trusted our intuition?

It is only at this time of my life that I am more consciously trusting my intuitive feelings. If I get that sinking feeling in my heart and the little voice telling me “not a good idea” then I now listen to it! And I steer a different course.

This can also apply to people we meet. Though it is wonderful to be trusting, sometimes that little intuitive, sensitive voice just picks up on something, and lets us know not to let down our guard, that this person before us may not really be worthy of our trust. We need to listen to that; sometimes our own safety may depend upon it!

If you follow the teachings of Abraham ( then you’ve heard the consistent lesson that being happy, successful and at peace with the world are readily attained by simply following this inner guidance “technology.” Abraham uses the GPS navigational analogy often, to remind us when we are off course, as the GPS voice command advises, “Please return to the highlighted route.” We, too, need to return to our own highlighted route when we have inadvertently veered in an incorrect direction.

A simple example in my life happened a few days ago on a car trip. My car was extremely low on gas, but I figured I would just fill up on my return home. Then I heard that inner voice very clearly directing me, “no, do it now”. So I made the stop at the gas station, even though I really just needed to be on my way. It turned out that there was an accident on the parkway heading out, so I was caught in traffic. There was a worse accident on my way home, and my trip took double the time it should have, as I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Had I not filled up, the fuel tank would have been perilously close to “empty.” So I was quite glad to have trusted my intuition!

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