Giving Thanks – Reflect on Your Blessings All Year Long

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” – Epictetus (Greek Philosopher)

I am thankful for all the good in my life!

I am thankful for all the good in my life!

What a perfect time to reflect on gratitude with Thanksgiving just about here! The 5 Reiki Precepts, which form a solid foundation for the system of Reiki, include being thankful. “Just for today, I will be grateful for the blessings in my life.”

Yes, our lives are filled with challenges and obstacles. But everyone’s life is also filled with abundant blessings. It has been shown that people who regularly lead lives filled with gratitude are generally happier and experience an increased level of prosperity in their lives.

It brings us to a joyful place when we focus upon gratitude and appreciation. As we occupy this place/space of gratitude, our attention is directed to the abundance and splendor that already exists in our own lives. This attracts more of the same into our lives — so increased abundance and increased happiness start flowing into our reality!

I find that of all the Precepts, gratitude is the one that is most challenging for me. But it is something I have consciously made part of my “inner work”. The more I bring real feelings of gratitude into my life, the better my life becomes.

So bring the concept and practice of being truly grateful into your own experience, and not just around this time of year either. Make gratitude a part of who you are, and keep it alive in your heart all year long…

Here are some Gratitude Affirmations for you:

  • I gratefully accept all the wealth and happiness that the Universe provides for me every day
  • I am thankful for all the love in my life
  • With loving gratitude, I notice all of the beauty and grace that that surrounds me

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