The Gift of the Now – Unwrap and In-Joy

The empowerment of living in the now is a unique and beneficial perspective on life. Much of the time, we let the present just slide past us, worrying too much about the future, or wallowing in the regrets of the past. Often, our minds flit from one thought to the next, and we feel fragmented and distracted.

The power of living in the now keeps us focused, centered and connected to our inner guidance. It is said that living in the present results in more vibrant feelings of well-being, calmer blood pressure, and reduction in stress. We need to train ourselves to be aware of our thinking habits.

Motivational speakers and “happiness experts” encourage us to live in the moment. Most of the time we might shrug off this advice or wonder, “what in the world does this actually mean? Will it really make a positive impact on my life?”

For me, it has been an incredibly uplifting way of living.  And I believe it will make a huge difference for you if you consciously integrate this concept into your life.

This practice of being “present in the present” really impacted my thinking a number of years ago when I worked as a Veterinary Assistant. At first, I wondered if I would survive the seemingly insurmountable number of tasks that I was required to do at each evening shift. My first few times there, at the start of my shift, a whole long list of everything I had to do would play out in my head and I would almost be paralyzed with fear — fear about not knowing what to do, since this was a totally new job for me and it concerned the well-being of many animals, and fear about not being able to FINISH all that I had to do.

Thankfully, my inner voice spoke up quite clearly and told me to focus on each moment and simply complete one action at a time. Little by little, I learned to be there in the moment so I could complete the task at hand, and I became focused on doing each part of the job well. Eventually I was able to do an evening shift by myself quite easily — at peak times taking care of 35 cats and 15 dogs on my own!

Challenging, yes! But in terms of life-lessons — it was a powerful thought-changing experience. I’m no longer working at the animal clinic, but I have brought this  self-empowering concept of living in the now into the rest of my life. I don’t say to ignore the future or never make a plan – but there are real joyful benefits of THE NOW.

Several times a day, actually pause and just take in what’s going on around you before rushing off to the next task. Take a minute or two to pay a little attention to anything in nature that captures your interest. (Remember that old saying “Stop and smell the roses?”) And let yourself “in-joy.” Feel the exquisite splendor of the moment, let it course through you and you will radiate with pleasure! So I share with you this moment, the gift of the now, connecting with you through time and space (and the glorious internet) and I send you light and joy!

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