Relaxation Breathing – Take A Break and Take A Breath

Relax & Breathe

Relax & Breathe

A breathing break – why? Yes I know breathing is something that comes to us naturally, but much of the time, we are guilty of shallow, quick breathing. This is not conducive to a feeling of serenity. Too much huffing and puffing, and I don’t mean this is due to a lack of cardio (but for some, that might be true). It is just the way we breathe most of the time. Rushing around from place to place. Tasks, events, errands. Busier than busy schedules!

Welcome to nearly-2010! Is relaxation a thing of the past? I wear a slew of “hats” myself, trying to balance and juggle each segment of my life to make an integrated whole. Every once in awhile, chaos reigns. But Reiki Master that I am, I pull out my first tool for impromptu and immediate relaxation – the lovely calming breath!

Here’s a little exercise that should be effective enough to put a halt on the escalation of any stress or anxiety that you are experiencing, and even bring you a light sense of peace.

Whatever you are doing, pause and take a breath. You’ll need just a few minutes for this. No excuses! Create that little block of time – even at work. It is best to be seated, but standing is okay if there’s no alternative.

Focus on your breathing. Inhale for a count of three and exhale slowly for a count of six. The key is that when you inhale, consciously bring the breathe all the way down to your belly (imagine it going to about two or so inches below your navel). Hold for a slight pause. Then slowly, gently release it for a count of six.

Do this 5-10 times and you should minimally feel a small sensation of calm flowing into your experience. Brush all distracting thoughts from your mind while you are focusing on your breathing. If you would like to try something more empowering, use a bit of positive imagery. On the inhale, imagine you are breathing in peaceful, healing light. Or imagine breathing in enlightening positive energy. Or both. Feel the powerful healing light/energy going all the way down to your belly, cleansing your entire being. On the exhale, imagine you are releasing all negative blocks and emotions. Let go of stress, dis-ease and anything that is toxic to your well-being. Feel free to let go of anything that you personally need to release!

Remember, a cleansing, nourishing breathing break helps bring more oxygen to the cells of your body!

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