Nurture Yourself – Take Time to Revitalize

I am so guilty of not doing enough of this. So why am I writing about it? Because it’s important to be kind to yourself, to make time for nurturing your own psyche and spirit. Because I want to make more time just to do whatever brings me peace.

It’s key to do something everyday that keeps one in alignment with one’s purpose and passion in life. It’s also essential to do something relaxing and revitalizing. For me, that could be catching up on a favorite TV show that’s been DVR’d. Or spending a few minutes in meditation with my wonderful canine next to me; he often keeps me company when I am in quiet contemplation. Taking a nice warm bath piled high with fragrant bubbles is ultra-luxurious!

Women tend to be more nurturing to others, taking care of the needs of others first. That holds true particularly for mothers, because that seems to be an intrinsic part of the job description! But for us to feel balanced, well-adjusted, loving, caring — we need to be kind to ourselves first. Carve out even a small amount of time just to pamper yourself in whatever way is pleasing — whether relaxing with guided imagery or going for a manicure or watching old movies, or maybe even reading a book (some people still do that!).

When we feel a sense of peace and oneness with the world, then it is easier to be there to support others. We can more effectively cope with whatever demands are placed upon us. Otherwise we can overreact, and become stressed or emotionally depleted.

Certainly those practicing the healing arts know the importance of taking some time out to reconnect with our own joy. Maintaining a good, positive energetic balance and overall sense of peacefulness is essential to be able to offer our healing light those in need.

Life as we know it today is just so “high volume” — over-filled with tasks, demands, and the business of life. This can burn us out all too easily. Take time to recharge, re-energize in whatever way works for you. And try not to feel guilty about it. You deserve some “just for me” time!

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