Reiki – A Catalyst for Self-Healing

When I first decided to learn Reiki, I had no plans on starting a practice and certainly no thoughts on becoming a teacher. Yet, here I am doing just that — and finding it to be extremely fulfilling. Days that I have clients/and or students are days that are filled with light, joy and satisfaction. Sometimes I am still amazed to find myself on this particular path — but so delighted to be doing something that I thoroughly enjoy.

I only began to learn Reiki for the purpose of self-healing. I had emerged from a place of hurt and darkness and I desperately needed healing in my life. I was seeking something that represented light and well-being — and joy. Reiki held the promise of all three. And it has certainly delivered in all those aspects.

My own healing metamorphosis was not an overnight sensation, and probably took several years. But in time, from such turbulence that was my life, a new bright Reiki butterfly was born, and I say that with a contented smile.

The energy brought healing, and also much enlightenment. And as I always say to my Level I students, Reiki is a journey, not just a “classroom” certification. It changes your life in a grand way — IF you are open to it. It always brings benefits, sometimes amazing ones and sometimes small but noticeable ones.

Often changes happen slowly but steadily, and you might not really see them until they have become somewhat cumulative. Then at some point, you have your moment of revelation — when you suddenly realize how dramatically your life has shifted for the better.

Many of my students take their first class for the exact same reason that I first studied the modality. They seek healing on any of several levels — physical, mental/emotional or spiritual — or all of the above. But they are seeking healing specifically for themselves. They may be interested in practicing on others, but mostly, they want to reap the benefits of improving their well being first. And that is what I, along with most teachers, encourage first anyway — practice self-healing consistently and you will get to the place of peacefulness and harmony. The place of not just feeling good, but of feeling good about yourself.

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