Life Purpose – Aligning With Your Soul Destiny

How amazing does it feel when you are doing what you believe you are meant to do here on Planet Earth — when you are aligned with the intentions of your soul, in a plan or agreement made perhaps even before you were born?

Theoretically, one would be most enlightened, most serene and at balance with the world if one is truly living their life purpose. But as complex human beings in possession of egos and personalities, there are many facets to what makes up a life that is “aligned.”

What does alignment mean to you personally? Are you in the flow of what you are meant to do here? And how do you know if you are?

On the day we are born, does our soul, suddenly clad in a newly-emerged physical body say: “Okay, I’m here — now what? What is the one thing I am supposed to do here? What is my purpose?” And then be handed a very specific blueprint of what we are meant to do!

If only it would just come to us like that, clearly and easily right from the beginning. But of course, such is not the case — at least for most of us.

Personally, I believe there are four different aspects that make up our “alignment.”

1) What you do — your work here. This can refer to your job/career/service that you provide. Though this is usually in exchange for income, sometimes it is voluntary. Not all important work is paid. Are you doing something that you are passionate about, something that feels right to you, something you are proud of doing or something that might serve or help others in some way? If you answered “yes” to most of these, then you are inmost likely in alignment about what you are doing here on planet Earth.

2) Where you do it — geographically. Do you feel comfortable, joyful about your location? Or are you longing to be elsewhere? If you are in the busy city, do you yearn for open space, greenery, land? Or vice versa? Are you dreaming of living in another country and establishing a life there? If you answer these questions honestly, and if you are truly at ease with this aspect of your life, then congratulations.

3) Who you are — are you content with the fundamental concept of the inner you — your core personality? Are you kind, compassionate, readily and easily connecting with others? Are you able to love? When you look in the mirror, are you able to smile at yourself and be comfortable with yourself? All these traits comprise someone who is on track with their soul’s purpose.

4) How you feel —  this arises out of “who you are.” Are you joyful, upbeat, motivated, well-rounded, balanced, peaceful? Do you greet each new day with enthusiasm? Or are you mostly bogged down with negative thoughts? Only YOU know where you really rank on the “emotional scale” of life, and that can be a very accurate barometer of your alignment with the higher consciousness part of you.

Sometimes we believe that unless we are totally in alignment with our soul purpose (all four facets fulfilled), then we will not achieve happiness, enlightenment, success, etc. However, as physical beings, we are constantly evolving and growing spiritually, emotionally, intellectually. For example, in terms of job/career, I don’t believe that we are meant to only have one specific path. Oh, for some people, yes (such as my brother who knew by age three that he wanted to be a pilot and became one, and still likes what he is doing) but for most people, finding their passion is a process.

The bottom line is do not feel guilty if all four facets are not completely fulfilled — just continue merrily on your way. But be open to the ever-present growth and transformation opportunities that present themselves. Focus on making choices that FEEL right for you. Sometimes we spend years in a voyage of self-discovery. But if, at the core, you are content and serene, then simply enjoy the journey!


  • I trust my inner guidance to help me make life choices that are right for me.
  • I am open to shift and transformation in order to align with my life path.
  • I let my life unfold to reflect my positive, good-feeling vibrations and choices.

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