Attracting Better Health – Focus On Wellness Instead of Illness

When I usually catch up with people over the phone or in person, the conversation seems to quickly turn to the individual’s state of health – or more often, their state of non-health.  Of course, health plays a major role in our lives, but why is it that people seem to just zero in so strongly on their aches and pains?  Statements like “Oh my back is just horrible” or “the pain in my neck is killing me” are common.

When I speak with certain people, I am almost afraid to ask the “how are you feeling?” line because I know that I am in for a tirade of symptoms, pains and negativity. Of course, trying to be a patient and caring listener, I am always open to my friends and family sharing whatever they would like to share. I have my own aches and discomfort too, but sometimes the focus on pain seems almost obsessive.

It is helpful use a little Law of Attraction thinking to focus on wellness as opposed to illness. Whatever we give our full attention to “expands” and by doing so only serves to bring more of the same to us. So if you are constantly focusing on the pain in your lower back, it will only get worse. If you expect your back to hurt, and you anticipate pain, then you are sure to get it!

However, if you direct your thoughts away from illness and consistently re-focus them on wellness, you will most likely see improved well-being! If this is a tall order at first, just begin by taking attention away from the area of concern. For instance, if you feel yourself getting too focused on your back, don’t let your mind run away with you. “Well, if I do that (activity), my back is going to be really bad” or “I wish my back wasn’t so painful.” Stop making those statements to yourself.

Any time you start to get into the loop of illness thinking – get up or physically move into another area, space, etc. and distract yourself with something positive! This can be an affirmation, something amusing, spending time with an upbeat person or loving pet — anything that will make you feel good and take the emphasis off any pain.

Of course, if you are due for a full physical at the doctor’s office, or if you have a serious concern, then you must fully check it out. However, for most of life’s little pains, we can minimize or eliminate them. Biologically, our bodies are built for movement and motion. Many of us today are extremely sedentary in our lifestyles, both at home and on the job. As we age, we are more likely to develop physical issues, so it’s even more essential to make every effort to keep our bodies limber and in motion.

If you are sitting all day in front of a computer screen, for instance, make sure to include breaks to get up, stretch, walk around and keep yourself limber. Going to the gym, walking outdoors, any cardio regimen are certainly ideal, but if that’s not going to happen for you, just make sure to be in physical motion through at least part of your day. Mentally, that will help you feel better too!

While you are doing whatever activity or movement you choose, congratulate yourself on taking time to concentrate on your well-being. Let yourself feel good about taking the time (even just a few minutes) to be kind to your musculoskeletal system and your joints!

Here are Affirmations to use:

  • I keep limber and toned by incorporating movement into my everyday life!
  • I take good care of my physical being, and I enjoy vibrant health.
  • I use my mind to rejuvenate my body, and visualize myself as completely healthy and happy.

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