Keeping A Positive Attitude – Bring Some Fun Into Your Everyday Experience!

Are you the kind of person who gets so caught up in work, obligations, multi-tasking and the frenetic pace of life that you just forget to have some plain old fun? Then you are not alone! Many people find themselves stuck in the seriousness of daily living without any daily fun-time.

Yes, you can say the economy is not the best and you can find a million reasons to get caught up with the “business” of life. However, it’s good for the body, mind and spirit to bring a note of fun into your reality every single day!

Amusement, laughter, lightheartedness and humor are all essential to combating stress in our lives. They reduce negativity and help keep you in more positive attitude. When making a list of all your daily goals or writing your To Do list, make sure you write: Do Something Fun Today!

What’s fun to one person may not be fun for another. For instance, playing a computer game may be a great past time for one person, but to another, spending one more moment in front of a monitor after a long day at the office is more torturous than anything else.

So decide what’s fun for YOU and add it to your written or mental “agenda” for the day. Whether it’s dancing in the living room to salsa music, giggling with your child over an entertaining TV show, hiking the local trail, or sharing a laugh with a good friend see if you can schedule it. If you’re not sure what your exact activity will be, then just set aside a block of time for it.

Remember, it’s perfectly okay to get silly. Let your inner child come out and play for awhile. Laughter is so beneficial for our overall attitude and well being.

So what will YOU do for fun?

Play a game or a sport?

Connect with an old friend (or new one)?

Watch a laugh-out-loud YouTube video?

Play a game of fetch with your favorite canine?

Catch a current movie in the theater (comedies are great mood lifters!)

Take an upbeat jog around the neighborhood?

Do what feels right for you to help keep you positive!

Affirmation, Attitude, Action series to get in the “fun” mode.

  • Each and every day I make time for fun and laughter — and I greet the world with a smile.
  • It is easy for me to focus on the humor and joy in my everyday life.
  • Each day I choose to do things that are uplifting — and that reflect my own unique sense of fun.

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