Reiki Chanting – Using Vocal Toning to Empower Healing

For my earlier Reiki experiences, chanting was an alien custom, not something I thought was truly part of the system of Reiki. Of course, chanting is used in many other modalities and certainly in some religious ceremonies and services. However, as I moved along on my Reiki journey, I began to be exposed to the varied and powerful uses of adding one’s voice to the healing mix.

One of the most fascinating experiences I had was when I attended a workshop with Frans Stiene, Reiki teacher extraordinaire, from the International House of Reiki in Australia. It was during one of his visits to New York that we did several chanting exercises. I remember just chanting the “sound of the Universe” syllable over and over with about 30 voices harmonizing. The healing vibration reverberated throughout the room and was so powerful that I was profoundly mesmerized by the experience, and awakened to the glorious possibility of the power of toning.

Another interesting experience was at a Healing Circle where a group of about 8 or 9 people were giving a Reiki treatment to a woman with cancer. The leader of the Reiki Circle (one of my own Masters) asked us to use a specific chant (which she taught us then and there) to call upon the Medicine Buddha to help heal this woman. So as we offered traditional Reiki, we all intoned this chant and flooded the room with a beautiful, powerful request for healing. The Reiki recipient shared that the healing session had been absolutely amazing — relaxing and energizing all at once.

I’ve even been part of a class where we chanted over the phone. It was with my Animal Reiki Mentor, Kathleen Prasad, and I was participating in a Shelter Animal Reiki Association teleclass. We practiced chanting the Usui Level II symbol “jumons” (which are tones that are different from the actual mantras of the symbols.) Even over the phone, the chanting was powerful and resonated joyfully with all of us on the call.

Now, as I have learned Karuna Reiki®, we are encouraged to chant and tone the symbols as doing so creates powerful shifts in the “vibrational frequency” of the healing energy.

Reiki chants are said to be most effective when they are done at a lower voice level as well as done slowly. This way, the chanting assists with calming and relaxing the recipient. During chanting, one usually gives long, meaningful emphasis on the vowel portions of the sounds. Chanting is also believed to help balance the body, mind and soul through aligning and balancing the chakras. Not only does the recipient receive increased healing benefits, but you as a Reiki practitioner may also feel a greater stream of energy within your own energy field.

As as practitioner, be open to chanting when you feel it is appropriate or helpful. If you have the opportunity at a workshop or Healing Circle,  let your Reiki-empowered voice flow, and you will see firsthand how amazing and beneficial this can be!

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