Creating Your Future – Take Full Responsibility For Your Life

Is life just a long, wandering journey for you as you amble along the road’s curves and twists? Is it something that happens to you, as opposed to FOR you?  Do you feel you are at the mercy of the way the wind blows?

I used to think that I had no power over the course of my life.  In fact, for a good deal of my younger life, I was CERTAIN I had no power over any of my life.  But that frame of mind only brought on sadness, confusion, anxiety… It took much life experience, enduring and overcoming  obstacles until I had my own “ah ha” moment.  But it wasn’t exactly one moment — it took several years.

No one can smack you on the head with enlightenment!  It has to come to you when you are ready.  But the concept I am talking about is the knowing that you can craft your own life — shape it into the form and beauty that resonates with your own soul, your goals, your passion.  There is a theory that our life here on planet Earth is just a speck of time in terms of our eternalness.  But whether you believe that or not, few would debate how quickly time flows by on this human plane, and years pass with that blink-of-an-eye feeling…

Of course, tough times do occur in one’s lifetime – there is no winding your way around that.  That is part of the life-learning experience.  But adapting and being flexible is the key that unlocks the door to getting through these challenges and finding new light and wisdom after weathering any storm.

You may have heard that now-popular expression: “You are the creator of your own reality.” I totally agree with that.  So do not play victim of circumstance. Do not heap blame on everyone else.

Consciously make the decision to take full responsibility for your life. YOU are the only one who can mold your present minute and create your future. Don’t depend on others to do it for you. Don’t procrastinate about what you really want to do, about those heartfelt aspirations you have. Dive right in and take charge of the moments of your life.  You have the power — understand it, grasp it, believe it — and believe in yourself!

Affirmations for shaping the now and the future:

  • I release past worries and embrace the joy of the now.
  • I align with my passions and create my ideal life.
  • I am responsible for my life decisions and make choices that are good for me!

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