Raising Your Vibration – Key to Successful Attraction and Better Health

Sheryl Feeling Joyful

Sheryl Feeling Joyful

The basic idea behind Quantum Physics is that we are all made up of energy vibrating at different rates. This has resulted in many amazing and beneficial ways to consider and expand our own personal energy.

When we experience good-feeling emotions, we are vibrating along with the healthy, positive flow of life. On the other hand, when we have emotions of fear, anger, and limitation, then our vibrations are not quite “up to speed” and not aligned with our Higher Consciousness and life purpose. When our vibrations are low, we feel out of balance, stressed-out and sometimes a physical “mess”.

According to the Law of Attraction (see my earlier post Law of Attraction) we attract and manifest that which is a vibrational match to what we are feeling and thinking. If we vibrate in that place of fear, anger and lack we attract and manifest that which corresponds to these feelings – more anger, fear and lack, along with events, people and experiences that reflect these negative aspects.

Did you ever notice that when you are really happy that you just feel “lighter” and if you are extremely happy, maybe you feel like you are almost walking on air? When you feel sad and down, you tend to have a heavier, dismal feeling about you. This is your vibrational level in play here.

Basically, if you raise their vibration to a higher, lighter frequency, you can theoretically:

  • Manifest more of your desires into your experience (and perhaps quickly too!)
  • Improve your physical health
  • Experience an overall glow of radiant joy throughout your entire being

One of the scientific theories behind Reiki healing is that the energy that flows through a practitioner to a client helps raise the vibration of that person’s physical being, specifically the organs and glands. When an organ is healthy, its electromagnetic field pulses at a certain frequency, but if it is unhealthy, the frequency moves out of this range. By raising the vibration (with the Reiki flowing from the practitioner’s hands to the client) of the organs/glands to that frequency at which perfectly healthy organs vibrate, the body begins to return to a positive state of health.

So how can you begin raising your personal vibration? Start being aware of your own “vibrational” frequency and your feelings of the moment – this is the first step. Keep a mental chart of your feelings for a few days. If you find yourself too preoccupied with negativity, then it is time for a significant personal shift. See my earlier post, 7 Tips to Live By for some suggestions.

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