Stress Management – Do Some Inner Work To Bring More Calm and Balance into Your Life

AffirmationForBalanceDo you believe that stress is completely an external issue — something beyond your control? I suspect that most people do. So maybe it will surprise you that I believe the exact opposite! Yes, I am saying that you should develop the mindset that stress in an internal issue.

What I mean by this is: the major work of reducing the stress level is completely an “inside job.” It is up to you. Accepting this perspective is essential in order to begin to take the first steps in controlling the stress in your life.

“But what about all those people and situations that stress me out” you might be thinking. What about all this issues with my parents, spouse, kids, boss, and just about everybody else? I am stressed out about my job, my income, my health, my body image… the list can go on and on.

You need to stop this cycle of negative thinking immediately and get off the “wheel of stress.” You also need to begin to take complete responsibility for your life, your perceptions and your reactions.

Understand that stress is subjective — each person’s perceptions differ vastly. What may seem stressful to one person might be a breeze for another.

From my own personal experience in the corporate environment I noticed that individual reactions to common stressors varied greatly. The deadlines and workload were demanding and hectic. There were a dozen people handling the work, and about half were completely “stressed-out” all the time. The other half, though undeniably ulta-busy, dealt with the pace as a matter of course, remaining stable and relatively calm. Same company, same corporate environment, same heavy workload. All had been with the company for many years yet showed different stress levels.

Some of this has to do with our individual backgrounds. We all have old audios playing in our heads from the past — we need to toss these out and reinvent the way we think and approach our lives. Easy to say, but of course, not as easy to do. That’s why it takes consistent inner work and patience with yourself.

So all I ask of you at this moment is to think about this. Begin to shift your perspective. Begin to accept the concept that you have control over your life. Promise yourself not to make statements such as “I am so stressed out.” That includes saying them aloud or even thinking them. I challenge you to keep your head talk positive!

Affirmations to help keep stress away:

  • I am calm, focused and balanced in all that I do and I feel good about my life!
  • By thinking and visualizing positively, I sail through my day with joy, productivity and ease.
  • I accept responsibility for my life choices and I choose to make positive ones!

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