The Importance of Grounding – Staying Connected to Earth Energy

We are all familiar with the importance of having the electrical currents in our homes grounded. This is for safety reasons, allowing the overflow of electricity to be dismissed, so there is no damage to the circuits from the excessive voltage.

However, have you ever considered how important energetic grounding can be to our health and well-being?

With the process of grounding, we are able to maintain a healthy energetic balance, by releasing energy blockages and negativity. When we are grounded and centered we are in a good and serene space and the flow of energy throughout our bodies is free-flowing. Grounding connects us to the stable and positive earth energy. It helps improve our overall health and well-being.

Reiki Practitioners learn and understand how to achieve that positive balanced state of being grounded, while allowing the Universal Life Force Energy  energy to flow through them for the purpose of healing. But grounding is beneficial to everyone!

The opposite of feeling grounded are those times when we are frantic, hyper, stressed, overwhelmed, or “out there.” If you tend to experience these feelings often, then maybe you need to work on some grounding techniques to re-align yourself with the powerful Earth energy.

A very simple guided imagery technique can help. Sit in a relaxed, meditational position and focus on your breathing. Take slow cleansing breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus on your breath and imagine the in-breath flowing all the way down to your belly and then do a slow exhale.

Then, imagine that, like a tall, beautiful, earth-connected tree, you have roots growing out of the base of your spine (the Root Chakra) going all the way down to the center of the earth, securely connecting you to “Mother Earth.” Or you can imagine an electrical cord coming down from the base of your spine, plugging in and connecting you to the earth’s energy.

Either way, you are establishing a strong connection to the earth. Begin to feel all negative energy and blockages flowing down this grounding cord or roots, to go deep into the Earth. Concentrate on releasing all blockages that are harmful to your well-being, resulting in a clear,  fluid energy system.

To add to this visualization, you can imagine gold or white light from the Universe flowing down through the top of your head (Crown Chakra), clearing and healing your entire being. Feel light flowing all the way down through your entire body, washing away all negative issues down your grounding cord. This mental exercise will help get you into a light, energetically balanced space.

For those who are interested in crystals, hematite and black tourmaline are stones that are ideal for helping ground us. Hematite helps harmonize body, mind and spirit. Black tourmaline helps ground energy and also is said to improve physical vitality and reduce tension and stress.

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